Monday, July 7, 2008

Call for Contributions

Hey out there in internetland! I hope some of you are enjoying my Film Ignorance Project. I sure am - it's been an utter joy.

I'd like now to start opening the floor to you guys, be you my friends, family, fellow bloggers, or just someone who wandered onto the website and wants to write a review/essay.

So if there's a film out there that you've never seen, but know you should, and you want to watch it and share the experience with people, just send me an email at Just let me know what film you're planning on watching, when you could have the review written, and if you have a website, I'd love to take a look at it. I'll post as many of these as I get (that is to say, somewhere between 0-infinity) but probably no more than one a week. And of course, if you have a website and want to run the piece on your own blog, that'd be great!

Oh, and be sure to include the phrase "Film Ignorance" in the title of the email, otherwise I probably won't get it.

Happy watching!

1 comment:

Fletch said...

I did something like this not long ago with Sunset Blvd, but I'm sure I can do it again...gotta think of the right flick to do it with.